



Of all the challenges, the most urgent is hunger which is the most basic human need. Lakhs of grown-ups and children go to bed hungry. As part of one of our drives to address the issue of malnutrition and make the community hunger-free, we collect food from 5-star hotels, corporates and big functions in the city, which otherwise will go to waste, and distribute it in the community every day. By distributing food on a daily basis, we impact more than 60,000 people in the community every month. We provide groceries worth INR 600 to nearly 2,500 families which have been affected due to the pandemic every month.We also provided freshly cooked meals for around 10,000 people during the pandemic and it has now come down to 4,000 a day of which most are local children and elders of the community.Air pollution in India is a serious issue, with the major sources being biomass burning, fuel adulteration, vehicle emission, and traffic congestion. Air pollution is also the main cause of the Asian brown cloud, which has been causing the monsoon season to be delayed. India is the world’s largest consumer of fuelwood, agricultural waste, and biomass for energy purposes. Traditional fuel (fuelwood, crop residue and dung cake) dominates domestic energy use in rural India and account for about 90% of the total. In urban areas, traditional fuel constitutes about 24% of the total. Fuel wood, agricultural waste and biomass cake burning release over 165 million tonnes of combustion products every year.These biomass-based household stoves in India are also a leading source of greenhouse emissions, which contribute to climate change.

Green Revolution

Our organization commits not only to the well being of the poor, but also shares an equally important commitment towards Mother Nature. Just as the saying goes, “A seed planted today, grows its branches tomorrow” , we do believe that we must give back more than what we take from Mother Nature.To honor our commitments, we have made giving back to Mother Nature an inseparable motive and driving force of our work. Thus, comes in the tree plantation drives. We encourage planting trees in all geographical areas we operate upon. Our obligation to look after out Mother Nature makes Tree Plantation drives one of the much awaited events in our organization. Every individual, associated with Our organizaion strongly believes that planting a tree is as pious as giving life; if not more.We are an organization making an impact and trying to change the society for the greater good of the people living in it. But, we also know that our Earth is suffering from the atrocities of her own children’s and if we truly want to bring about a change in the society, we cannot leave behind our Mother Nature. Society and nature goes hand in hand and this is what we at organizaion want to showcase to the world.


Solid waste pollution

The organization works towards implementing effective and sustainable ways of waste management by means of reducing, reusing and recycling. It spreads awareness by conducting workshops, community engagement activities and roadshows. It has set up low cost sustainable vermi-compost units in residential complexes, commercial and educational institutes and municipal corporations at ward level. The organization provides services like collecting dry and wet garbage form one’s house. Reliable porters are employed for collecting plastic and paper waste, metal waste, electronic waste etc. GreenCiti involves waste generators, ragpickers, kabadiwalas, bulk scrap dealers and recyclers in a logistic chain creating an effective way to reduce and reuse the waste by providing them required support and guidance to upgrade their current system, monetary reward, safe and hygienic working place, social security and education for their children. The foundation is working towards creating awareness about air, water, soil and noise pollution. It organizes plantation drives, walkathons, cleanliness drives and awareness camps both for students and general public.